
Tað er sera umráðandi at duga at bjarga sær sjálvum og teimum ein rør saman við, um ein skuldi koppa á einum kajakktúri. Tí er altíð skilagott at venja bjargingar av og á. Bæði óvandir og vandir rógvarar eiga regluliga

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Kajakk Føroyar
General Info
Sigurð Davidsen

Hvussu komi eg best í gongd við at rógva kajakk ? Áhugin fyri kajakkrógving veksur í Føroyum. Vit hava eisini fantastiskar umstøður til at rógva so tað er ikki so løgið. Hvat kann man so gera fyri at koma væl

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When Sea-kayaking in the Faroe Islands, it is very important to make a good plan where you take the Tides, Swell and the weather conditions into account, when planning a trip. The tides / flood comes in from the vest

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At keypa eina havkajakk kann samanberast við at keypa einar skógvar. Summi hava brúk fyri einum fjallastylvum, onnur einum renniskógvum og onkur hevur brúk fyri einum tuflum. Hvat skal ein hugsa um tá mann keypir havkajakk? Tað fyrsta mann skal

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Vit vóru í Hvannasundi og høvdu kajakk rógving fyri borgarunum í kommununi, saman við Hvannasunds Kommunu.

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General Info
Sigurð Davidsen

Kajakk.fo offers guided Sea-Kayaking tours in the close proximity to the capital Tórshavn. Sea-Kayaking in the Faroe Islands is a fantastic way to experience the beautiful nature and outdoors. You can paddle in Sea Caves, get next to Sea stacks

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Check our Kayaking videos from the Faroe Islands on Youtube Sea-Kayaking to Risin og Kellingin north of Eiði on Eysturoy, with some of my local kayaking buddies Video of kayaking trough Sigmundshol, which is located nort of the village of

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Guided kayak tour Faroe Islands
Sigurð Davidsen

Check us out on social media: https://facebook.com/kajakk.fo / https://instagram.com/kajakk.fo

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